This is small story about me and my sweetie!!! My Yamaha Rx135!!!
The syzygy of events in life led three of us, Amrya (myself), Arya and Nagya to come together and stay in the same house. We all got posted in Mysore but in different departments. We took a house about 2 km from the company. We used to take the city bus, a rick or would walk our way to and back from office.
Then one fine day as if He had shown us the direction, Nagya and Arya decided to get their bikes. They were so excited. I was also excited but it was different. These friends of mine knew how to ride a bike and me poor me didn’t know as I never found the need.
But fate had better things in mind. So Arya and Nagya got there Samurai and Rx100 respectively. Both bikes were really old. So I had to be the pillion of either the Rx with the great sound or the more safe (as on paper) Samurai. Rx was not available as Nagya had a schedule very very unlike mine. So I had to stick to samurai.
Then one weekend, as it happens, I was left alone in the house with a samurai and also an Rx in the den. Poor me didn’t know how to ride nor did I have the jigara to venture alone. This really frustrated me. But I could do nothing!!!
Next day I asked Nagya to please teach me how to ride the bike. He reluctantly accepted. There it started my association with a Yamaha. Rx100 is a super fast monster, but the one we had was even though fast had lost its luster and hence seemed sluggish. This sluggishness in fact helped me ride it easily. I eventually started venturing alone with the Rx. I like the feel and the gear shift style. I am short and this bike being small helped a lot!!! I even started riding the samurai but was never comfortable and I haven’t figured it out till now why. But I knew life gives you signs and I accepted the signs.
The major problem after a month or so after me learning to ride was that I seldom got the Yamaha to ride. Samurai, I was happy to be the pillion. But as I said earlier Fate is important. Arya got a transfer to b’lore!!! So suddenly I had the samurai to my own. But fate again, Arya told me his brother wants his bike as soon as possible. So I sent the samurai after riding it for a week or so. Still our Yamaha guy had bad schedules and I had to walk home or come by a rick. The frustration started building. I had to do something.
Now let me tell you about his bike fanatic friend of mine. He is Adya from pune. He owned an Rx135 at this time. He maintains his bike very well and loves them like his wife. This fellow had his Rx up for sale. Since I had rode an Rx I thought I will go for it.
I thought about it a lot and finally when I had to make the decision I made it a flash. I had been to my home town. I asked my dad and got the green. I called up Adi and told him, Sucker I want your bike and I cant pay you more than 25K. He started laughing and said I can’t handle his monster. I said I have decided to take that risk and convinced him. He agreed and we struck a deal. I saved a lot of money for this. No purchases, No dress. No shoes. Nothing. I liked the way I did it. And finally I had the required dough in a month to get this Rx.
It was 15th June 2005, I transferred 25K to my friends account and he transferred the bike to Hubli. I went to Hubli and booked the transfer of the bike to Mysore on the train. Next day I came to mysore. My sweetie as I call her had arrived. She stood there shining. I could help but smiling at this first real spending of my life!!! I owned a bike. I took her from the station. Fate again had its say. It was a strike for the petrol bunks that day and the worst part being, Nagya as usual had just half litre petrol in his bike. I asked him to remove that petrol from his bike and come by the next bus to Station. I pushed my sweetie to the nearest petrol bunks. None was operating that day. I called up Nagya and he was still coming. Then as life shows us signs, someone told me that a petrol bunk is operating on the end of the road I was standing. It was a down hill. If it was false, I had to push her all the way back. That was one hell of a risk. My intuition said, lets give it a try and I did. Luckily the petrol bunk was operating and I got the so much needed petrol.
Then started the tedious task of starting her. Yamaha always has cold start problem. I was not used to that. So I tried calling up Adya. But that bugger was sleeping!!! I kicked and kicked and finally she spurted to life…. Wow what a hum she made from her heart. I fell in love instantly! Then I rode to the point very cautiously where I had asked Nagya to come. He came and I told him about the petrol story. He was very happy to see my bike. Then we rode back to our house, with the half litre petrol from his bike in his hand.
That was the last and final time I rode her so cautiously. Just take a look at her. Isn’t she a beauty?

Wish you happy married life Amrut! That was a nice saga... happy riding on your sweetie.
PS: Dont let anyone else ride her ok! ;o)
You made me fall in love with a bike...Really thinking of getting one pretty soon. :)
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