Today I read a article by Dr. Gopalakrishnan who succeeds Mr. Ratan Tata as Chairman of Tata Sons Ltd.,the holding company for many of the Tata blue chips like Tata Steel, TataMotors, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Voltas etc.
The article is titled “Deserve before you Desire”.
Some lines from the article in the “complete the story” format that people are so familiar with from childhood…
“The grass isn't always greener on the other side!!.............. Move from one job to another, but only for the right reasons……passé to work for one company for a sufficiently long period…………..getting a 200% hike…….going to send me abroad………Then, I look around at all the people who are considered successful today and who have reached the top ……..most of these people are the ones who stuck to the company, ground their heels and worked their way to the top……….there always comes a time for moving in most organizations……right reasons, rather than the superficial ones…….no company recruits for charity…….people leave their organizations because they are unhappy……do I come to work to be happy in the truest sense?....No".
I am sure you must have got the gist of the article by now. Don’t move from a company unless you have the right reasons. But, the point is, what are these right reasons?
a) Lack of Challenges?
b) Lack of work ethics or bad working environment?
c) Money has been termed as a superficial reason. Is it really that simple to ignore money?
d) Saturation level reached?
Well these were some thoughts that came to my mind. One interesting point the article makes is about the fact that we don’t come to work to be happy. This is Strictly Business as Godfather would have put it. It’s not about happiness or un-happiness. This line has influenced me a lot today and am sure it will change my outlook towards professional life.
Finally as Dr. Gopalakrishnan puts it….
Work hard so that you have the right to desire….
Work Hard so that you “Deserve to Desire”…
hmm some food for thought!
I firmly believe that money plays an important role, it gives you the power to buy, and it also gives you the power to give! how about that sentence, NRN told it once on ZEE TV, "Jeena isi ka naam hai"
Hey I really liked the line 'Deserve to Desire'..
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