Let me quote some interesting things from it before I start….
“Faced with a contradiction, most of us usually look for the truth, instead of dealing with the contradiction itself. The truth is always much more comfortable. The difficult but inevitable thing in life is that the truth always reveals itself in contradictions. The packaging never gets any better.”
“Who must guide us in moments of indecision? The concept of the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna is symbolic. Essentially, every one is part Krishna and part Arjuna. The Krishna in us is the voice of reason. The Arjuna in us is about the responsibility to act. Without one, the other is incomplete. Action without reason and reason without action are both inherently destructive.”
“The interesting truth is, when you clean the ink, it is just a transfer of the mess to another surface. In reality, it is impossible to clean anything in the world without making something else dirty in the process.”
When I read this, I was totally mesmerized by it. What he said made so much sense to me. It was happening to me. A Contradiction!!!
My contradiction about work:

Reality: You need to do the latter and do it always. Blow the damn horns about your work.
I am or rather I must say “was” a narcissist. You can read that between the lines of my principle. Today I did the unthinkable. We have an automation tool in place for making some folder which is later sent to our onsite folks (For non-IT guys generally Onsite is a jargon used for people in the IT industry operating at client locations). I was supposed to use it from today. So I made some enhancements (For IT guys, I enhanced to get latest versions of files from VSS which is like a small script of say 5 lines thats all). Then I did what I thought I would never do. I mailed to the whole team about this enhancement; well okay that’s fine since the team needs to know about this… But then I mailed my Project Manager also!!! I don’t know why I did this. My principle says I must not do this and then I do it. Did my reading of the article trigger this? Did the Krishna in me outgrow Arjuna?
And then Do I still Love my self? If yes then how could I do this? These are unanswerable…
The truth is Reality Bites and bites hard. I know what I did is not considered wrong in the industry. But why am I feeling the guilt, the damn guilt that made me write this post?
I don’t know…... hmmmm.....