There have been numerous blogs written on the current reservation ghafla that is going in in India. I had also wanted to write my views on it. But that hasn’t happened as yet. Anyway, I would like to narrate a small incident that happened on this Saturday (27th May 2006).
My cousin had come down to Mysore with her hubby and son for sight-seeing in Mysore. As usual I was the anchor!!! I have done that thrice in four weeks now. :):):) Cutting the big story short we went to many places and finally we landed at the grand finale Brindavan Gardens at around 1700hrs. The “Musical Fountain” which is by far the greatest tourist attraction in mysore was scheduled at 1900hrs.

So we roamed around in the park and finally arrived at the place where the show was to be held. Since we arrived early we occupied the steps that are meant for people to sit and watch the show. I forgot to tell you, we have to walk almost 800mts to reach this place from the entrance and vehicles are not allowed at this place. We were sitting and waiting for the show to start!!!
Then this happened. One Tata Sumo and a Toyota Qualis came up to the fountain and some 10 people came out of these vehicles. It was a big family. I was surprised as to how can vehicles be allowed to get into this area? It was not allowed and rules are rules. I wasn’t really angry but amused. But then the unthinkable happened. Since the steps were occupied, people were standing at the foot of the tank from where the fountain was supposed to start. There were a dozen police man. They asked some people standing in front to move back. Then these buggers, brought chairs… I don’t know form where and arranged them in the front row. The family that had arrived in the Sumo and Qualis started occupying the seats!!! I went wild!!! What the F*** was happening??? This is a public place? I was furious. I start babbling and my sis just smiled and kept quite. I was shaken. Just then the show started and I was caught in the grandeur of the fountain. We went back as soon as the show ended.
Interesting story with an absurd end right!!! But what can I do, that was the end and I wrote it that way. This is the problem with us I guess. Why didn’t I go and question the police men about the prejudice that I saw? Was it right on my part? Why didn’t anyone for that matter question this RESERVATION? Let me go a step further; is our legislature strong enough so that I can question such treatment of people?
Can we really change something? Do we have it in us to do what it takes to come out of our inertia, the Inertia to Change, to make a difference? If anyone can answer this then there is lot that can be changed and we will really be proud of present India and not just our History!!!
"कोइ भि देश Perfect नहि होता ...उसे Perfect बनाना पडता हैं!!!"
(No Country is perfect... We have to make it perfect)
Inquilab Zindabad!!!!
I guess people have started taking notice and responding to the unjustice... that is why we are seeing so many protests and all..
As regards to you..it is you who needs to take that step forwrad without thinking or waiting for someone else
Hmm..yeah, we take a lot of shit from everyone around us..it's so much a part of us now..it's sad..
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