September 15, 1999.
Wearing a grey trouser and a white old T-shirt he is sitting in his favorite chair. A bamboo chair, colored in red, green and cream color; cream being the most prominent. The chair is placed facing the east to challenge the rising sun. He looks into the big book in front of him and smiles. There is an exercise on “Complex” numbers or imaginary numbers. He sees it; in just three steps solves it.
Solve:ix2 + (1-5i)x -1+8i=0 1) . . . .2) . . . .
3) Roots: 2-i and 3+2i
September 15, 2006.
He is sitting in a cushion chair, jet black. In front of him is a beautiful computer system with 4GB ram. He has to solve a small problem. In one page there is no hyperlink. He has used hyperlinks umpteen times. He stares at the document which explains the steps. He can’t believe it. How can such a simple thing, be made so complicated. He; as everyone else around just follows the steps unaware of the consequences. Volla, it worked!!! So he sends the changes to the requested person. The person comes back with his eyebrows all twisted, “It is not working.”
“It’s working in my system man”
“I don’t know. But it isn’t here”
He wonders, was there a leak in the wire carrying the data. It must have gone there.
There is a dark cloud now around him. His work is not done!!! He freaks out wondering why something so simple is made so complex.
In 1999, he was solving a problem without knowing what the consequences of the solution are, but he very well knew it was a complex problem!!! In 2006, he knew that the solution is very simple, but he couldn’t solve it. The situation was similar like ’99 where he didn’t know the consequences but now the problem was easy to solve. Then why was it made so complicated.
We grow up learning that more complex things you solve the more intelligent and matured you’ll be. Teachers and Parents test us daily with more and more complex problems and we start solving them with great ease. Solving simple problem is treated as a petty thing. Anyone can do it. I am better, so I need to solve more complex things. Our hunger for complexities can even be seen in our conversations full of periphrases. One looks around and sees that all the simple things have complex solutions and hear people saying, Life is not easy man; it is a struggle. A never ending struggle to achieve something called happiness. Happiness; an interesting word. One can sit and wonder, are happiness and satisfaction one and the same? Do you need to be satisfied to be happy or compromises can give you happiness? After all it all about the frequency of the electric pulses flowing in our brain or heart…
Look at the above statements, how complicated a simple word can be made. Is it really necessary? One can’t say, after all people live in their own perspective worlds.
“Was the bug solved?”
“No I am working on it”
Why doesn’t it work, it has to. He has done everything that was told.
“Why is it so complicated?”
“Bhai, nothing is easy. Life is difficult man!”
He is a fast learner. He has learnt one thing in particular, don’t ask WHY!!!! Just do it. It will work.
Human civilization is an interesting cult. The superior beings among the mortals are the ones who can complicate the things as much as possible. Be it in mathematics or physics or any crappy science. There is a race to make things as complicated as possible.
It may have to do with the way we learn things. We never learn the simplicities; we always try to make it complicated. Now let’s ask the most feared question “Why?”…
Well… This is a complicated question.
Maybe, to achieve simplicity is more difficult than making it complicated. Or is it?
“Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication.” That’s why; it must be so complex to achieve simplicity.
September 15, 1999.
“Excuse me Sir.”
“Yes son”
“Sir, I have solved it. Where will these equations be used?”
“Such questions are sure to appear in your exam. They will at least carry 20 marks. So practice them a lot”
“Ok sir. As you say”
September 15, 2006.
“I want it solved by tomorrow. He had the same problem. Just check out and do what he has done.”
“How did you do it?”
“You do a)…. b)… c)….”
“Why c)…?”
“Just do it man! It works. I asked that person. He has also implemented like that.”
“Okay… I have to close the buy by ‘morrow”
Have we really grown up?
You tell me…..
The question still remains unanswered... Are the ways we use to solve problems now so radically different? May be for some... For me, I ain't finding no difference... May be it is do with the way I think... Need more inputs though on this...
Amazing man Amazing!!!
your art of making a point thru stories/incidents is amzing!!!
and i dont know what it is with both of us... our lives move on pretty similar lines... first u write abt being close to nature.. and the same day i had quite similar thots... and now today this.... what happened at office today will be quite complex to write here.. but the basis was same...
regd ways of solving - hmm... I think they indeed have changed...in 1st year project, we went to Library to research in the books.. in 4th year.. it was google all the way...
the method of learning and solving problem has changed drastically...
in google it is written do step 1..2..3... u do it... does not work.. go to second link.. it says.. step a .. b...c .. it works... ok done.. but why was it done...who has the time to check.. i have other bugs to close!!!
the mindset is to solve the problem.. rather than understand the problem..Now is it correct i really dont know..if to solve the problem is correct attitude.. then our lives are simpler(googler i can say).. and if it is understanding the problem.. it is ofcourse complex.. be it doing class 10th maths or a software bug!!!
today in office the time given was 1 hour to 'solve' the bug... but as we sat 'understanding' it.. it became a separate release!!!!
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