On one mundane day, life was going on as usual without any jitters.
“Shit yaar… What a concept?” said Sid…
“Haan yaar… You can write on anything you want” Bharath - The Knowledgeable commented.
“What’s that? What’s happening?” I couldn’t conceal the dent in my grey cells. I didn’t know what they were talking about!!! I must be hanged!!!
“Abe… Awesome funda man. You can write articles online. It will be like your own website” said the mitochondria named Sid.
“You mean I am hosting a website of some kind?”
“Naye yaar… plisth (an expression J)… Bharath aap hi samjhaoo yaar”
“Arey… It’s simple… You know about logs right?”
“Ya.. I know..”
“This is also like a log that you maintain online of your views and day to day activities etc etc… which all can read”
“Interesting… But what’s the use”
“Arey tereto… You can write articles and post them man… You don’t need a magazine to publish!!!”
“hmmm ???”
“Amrut… It is like a log.. and Internet Log, popularly known as BLOG!!! Follow this link and you will see my blogs”…
Well the rest is history….. Suddenly my alter ego was born… The Blogger Amrut… ( A name given to me by one of my beloved readers!!!)
With the help of Sid and Bharath I also started my blogging with blogger.com exactly a year ago. My first blog… I chuckle when I think about it, was about NOS… A copy paste of paragraphs from internet!!! I hadn’t got the hang of the BLOG thing yet….
My second blog was a passionate one about my sweetie… I will always cherish this one… It is the one I re read the most… I had finally ventured into the blogging world. I was a blogger from then on and till date I enjoy this part of my life… I posted my first blog on 15th Sep 2005 exactly an year ago….
Before this Anniversary post, I have 25 ( Ya a quarter century!!!) posts in my name including a poem!!! Never one would have imagined that I could write a poem…
Blogs have helped me in stress busting and also helped me share my happiness with my friends. From NOS to Right Reasons to A.Q. to My Obsession to Inconsequential Existence, it has been a long long journey… My blogger alter ego has laughed at me, laughed with me and cried with me… It has helped me in many ways to reconnect with myself making me a better me. It’s a sense of joy to realize that I have completed a year in blogging and still my blogger engine is up and kicking…
As William Arthur Ward puts it, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”; on this beautiful day, I would like to thank all my beloved readers/critics for encouraging me by giving their beautiful and timely comments/critiques many a times extending, manifesting or correcting the idea put across in the post. My blog belongs to you. It also belongs to all my great friends who have directly or indirectly helped me in putting forward my thoughts boldly on the blog!!!
I thank one and all!!!
Keep blogging… Keep smiling and keep reading my blogs!!!!!!
Happy Birthday dude... i am talkling to amruts blog..
well.. u r celebrating the birthday 1 day before.. for me it is 16 sept...tomorrow..
and i didnt understand 2 things - mitochondria and plisth ??????
acha - plistch... ab samjha.. when i read that line again.. i said.. "plitsch .. yeh kya hai??" hahahah
and that line is terrific - I couldn’t conceal the dent in my grey cells.
Mitochondria: An organelle containing enzymes responsible for producing energy
Dictionary meaning dude.. I guess you got the point!!! It's used as an adjective for Sid...
hey congrats bhatije.. u have evolved over the year in terms of your writing skills and the subject matter. I think by next year u will all set to write shakesperan ( this i a word i coined .. dont go after the spelling mistake .. ;)) English ..
Way to go dude and my best wishes ..
Well, this is my first visit here and I guess I am at right time. :))
A very Happy Birthday to your blogging !!
Many Happy Returns of The Day!!! Want a story on birthday...
dude good going man! keep writing ... have fun with blogging!
Hi lay Amryaa..
Hay this is Naveen Zunjarwad (Ur JSS mate). I found u in Orkut and Boy....U r really rocking..!!
Also, read few of ur Blogs, and hats off to you, No extravagant words, but the way you convey shows ur confidence...!! Cheers buddy....all the best and keep in touch....
By the way i joined IBM-ISL,
reach me at naveen.az@gmail.com
-Naveen (AAAMI....thts hw u used to call)
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