Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tagged Once More...
1. Name the person who tagged you.
2. 8 things about you.
3. Tag 6 people.
Sid…… The one who can write on anything, I mean any damn thing!!! But, he writes well infact very well… !!!!.
1st Thing...
Narcissism +ve is my blood group… I love myself and enjoy the company of people of my kind… Read along and you will see the I so many times reiterating my blood group..
2nd Thing...
I love my Yamaha… She is a mean machine… Lately though I haven’t had the privilege of riding her, the way I like… But I feel 200% when I am on her… I call her “Sweetie” with love and whenever I get time I pamper her with wax for shine…
3rd Thing...
I idolize the concept of Godfather and am a crazy fan of the music in that movie. I listen to the theme of godfather daily and never do I really get bored. I spent long hours finding a good picture of the text Godfather and got a sticker done for my sweetie…
4th Thing...
I love, love talking… It's like breathing for me… I can’t imagine myself not talking… I enjoy it. People do get bored sometimes, but then every art has its patrons and critics and artists like us learn to live with that…
5th Thing...
I enjoy reading as much as talking… I was a late entrant into the world of readers, but have managed to keep pace although currently dry season is going on in that dept. I have enjoyed Fountainhead, Godfather, Sherlock Holmes, Archer’s short stories, Sydney Sheldon etc…
6th Thing...
I am a fitness freak, rather I should use past tense here as I haven’t really taken care of my body… Nevertheless, I enjoy physical exercise be it pumping iron, or swimming or sports… I enjoy playing football… I just hope, I remove that past tense from my 6th thing!!!
7th Thing...
I believe that I am quite a passionate person. If I love something then I will definitely give my 100% to it. I don’t believe in half measures. I hate workarounds and feel sick in the stomach when I have to do it… People hate me for this stubbornness, but then this is one thing I can’t comprise on…
8th Thing...
I enjoy beauty… Be it colors, fragrance, lockets, earrings, mountains, beaches, book covers, ads, paintings and the list continues… I missed the most important part of the list; to be mentioned last as I wanted to attribute the greatest importance to it. I enjoy seeing beautiful ladies and crave for their company too...
What can you say ?
Who made 'em ?
God must have been
a fuckin' genius.
This is a dialogue from the movie “Scent of a woman”… The conclusion of the 8th point, I believe, ‘am a feminist!!!
As usual, Sid has left very few choices for me to be tag….
a) Deepa
b) Shreya
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
The Evolving Cast...
"Congratulate me guys… I have completed two years in the Software Industry!!!"
"Cool dude…"
"Congrats man"
"Sahe hai"….
What do you see here? I saw a very interesting thing in this conversation. I wasn’t pessimistic when there were umpteen chances of it. Luckily I didn’t say “I have survived two years in the software industry”.
Ironically it is true, but the funny English and its puns. People attribute different meaning depending on the context.
But fortunately I didn’t send any bad puns. Maybe it is with the fact that I have started thinking not in my native but in English. Involuntarily I was aware and hence didn’t send any bad vibes because it is really a time to congratulate myself about completing 2 years in the software industry. Man, by way of his interaction with the society sets up some goals that he has to achieve to be called successful. That is very true. You need to achieve the goals that you have set. But then there comes a time when you look back and introspect what all diverse things have happened to you while you are still moving towards what you have set to achieve. Many of these incidents or feats may or may not be inline with your goal.
After hibernating for almost 2-3 months, I joined my first company in Banglore on 20th Sep 2005. It was a beautiful experience. First time I was away from home not under anyone’s “guidance”. All I had were friends and I didn’t have them in plenty at that time. The training time was the best I have had in my professional life till now. Personally also it was an enriching experience. The best part is the friends I made. I had never met such a diverse population in my life before and I made full use of that. I made friends, friends out of which some are studying in IIM, or are in US, or studying for IAS or fashion freaks just to touch the iceberg of the diversity. They molded me into a cast that I never had imagined or even dreamt about. It was beautiful. My hindi speaking improved my ten folds. I started understanding many other languages in bits. I started appreciating the colors that I used to wear. These are just some surfaces of the cast I was put into. But like all beautiful things, my training ended & all that remained was the strong bonds that were created between me and my friends which have continued till date. Also what remained were the ever narrative experiences I had, pranks, shopping expeditions, jokes, funny names and what not!!!!
Then I was sent to a silent place named Mysore, where I was to professionally kick off my career. I started with a bang!!! It was fun for the initial few months. My activities ranged from understanding the manufacturing domain, to conducting quizzes, to gymming with the team. In the meanwhile, I bought a bike, my sweetie a RX 135. I only learnt to ride a bike in Mysore!!! That was yet another great feat. Then there was the Godfather craze, the sticker on my bike to the blog till date on Godfather. It was a crazy experience.
In mysore, I made some really interesting friends, the kinda people I had never had the privilege of interacting. Some were fitness freaks, some Software freaks and great teachers, and some crazy hindi song lovers. My cast also did take many surfaces from these guys. My hindi speaking improved by another 20 folds. I added a bit of Punjabi and Bengali to my vocabulary. It was in Mysore that I joined the blogger club, the Orkut and truly became a Global person!!! Haan haan… It is too much to say this, but after all I am a narcissist!!!
Now I am back in Banglore, amidst my old college friends and in a different company. Is my cast solid?
I don’t think so…
As the line from Limp Bizkit song an OST from MI2 goes “Life is a lesson… You learn it when you are through”, my cast is still growing, groomed by so many things around me. Just as the Iron casting is completed when it gets cold, my casting will be completed only when my blood dissipates all its heat and becomes cold!!!!
But, in the past two years some very very beautiful surfaces have been added to my cast and I love to see it everyday in the mirror!!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Complex Simplicities....

September 15, 1999.
Wearing a grey trouser and a white old T-shirt he is sitting in his favorite chair. A bamboo chair, colored in red, green and cream color; cream being the most prominent. The chair is placed facing the east to challenge the rising sun. He looks into the big book in front of him and smiles. There is an exercise on “Complex” numbers or imaginary numbers. He sees it; in just three steps solves it.
Solve:ix2 + (1-5i)x -1+8i=0 1) . . . .2) . . . .
3) Roots: 2-i and 3+2i
September 15, 2006.
He is sitting in a cushion chair, jet black. In front of him is a beautiful computer system with 4GB ram. He has to solve a small problem. In one page there is no hyperlink. He has used hyperlinks umpteen times. He stares at the document which explains the steps. He can’t believe it. How can such a simple thing, be made so complicated. He; as everyone else around just follows the steps unaware of the consequences. Volla, it worked!!! So he sends the changes to the requested person. The person comes back with his eyebrows all twisted, “It is not working.”
“It’s working in my system man”
“I don’t know. But it isn’t here”
He wonders, was there a leak in the wire carrying the data. It must have gone there.
There is a dark cloud now around him. His work is not done!!! He freaks out wondering why something so simple is made so complex.
In 1999, he was solving a problem without knowing what the consequences of the solution are, but he very well knew it was a complex problem!!! In 2006, he knew that the solution is very simple, but he couldn’t solve it. The situation was similar like ’99 where he didn’t know the consequences but now the problem was easy to solve. Then why was it made so complicated.
We grow up learning that more complex things you solve the more intelligent and matured you’ll be. Teachers and Parents test us daily with more and more complex problems and we start solving them with great ease. Solving simple problem is treated as a petty thing. Anyone can do it. I am better, so I need to solve more complex things. Our hunger for complexities can even be seen in our conversations full of periphrases. One looks around and sees that all the simple things have complex solutions and hear people saying, Life is not easy man; it is a struggle. A never ending struggle to achieve something called happiness. Happiness; an interesting word. One can sit and wonder, are happiness and satisfaction one and the same? Do you need to be satisfied to be happy or compromises can give you happiness? After all it all about the frequency of the electric pulses flowing in our brain or heart…
Look at the above statements, how complicated a simple word can be made. Is it really necessary? One can’t say, after all people live in their own perspective worlds.
“Was the bug solved?”
“No I am working on it”
Why doesn’t it work, it has to. He has done everything that was told.
“Why is it so complicated?”
“Bhai, nothing is easy. Life is difficult man!”
He is a fast learner. He has learnt one thing in particular, don’t ask WHY!!!! Just do it. It will work.
Human civilization is an interesting cult. The superior beings among the mortals are the ones who can complicate the things as much as possible. Be it in mathematics or physics or any crappy science. There is a race to make things as complicated as possible.
It may have to do with the way we learn things. We never learn the simplicities; we always try to make it complicated. Now let’s ask the most feared question “Why?”…
Well… This is a complicated question.
Maybe, to achieve simplicity is more difficult than making it complicated. Or is it?
“Simplicity is the ultimate Sophistication.” That’s why; it must be so complex to achieve simplicity.
September 15, 1999.
“Excuse me Sir.”
“Yes son”
“Sir, I have solved it. Where will these equations be used?”
“Such questions are sure to appear in your exam. They will at least carry 20 marks. So practice them a lot”
“Ok sir. As you say”
September 15, 2006.
“I want it solved by tomorrow. He had the same problem. Just check out and do what he has done.”
“How did you do it?”
“You do a)…. b)… c)….”
“Why c)…?”
“Just do it man! It works. I asked that person. He has also implemented like that.”
“Okay… I have to close the buy by ‘morrow”
Have we really grown up?
You tell me…..
Friday, September 15, 2006
Grazie… Molto Grazie….

On one mundane day, life was going on as usual without any jitters.
“Shit yaar… What a concept?” said Sid…
“Haan yaar… You can write on anything you want” Bharath - The Knowledgeable commented.
“What’s that? What’s happening?” I couldn’t conceal the dent in my grey cells. I didn’t know what they were talking about!!! I must be hanged!!!
“Abe… Awesome funda man. You can write articles online. It will be like your own website” said the mitochondria named Sid.
“You mean I am hosting a website of some kind?”
“Naye yaar… plisth (an expression J)… Bharath aap hi samjhaoo yaar”
“Arey… It’s simple… You know about logs right?”
“Ya.. I know..”
“This is also like a log that you maintain online of your views and day to day activities etc etc… which all can read”
“Interesting… But what’s the use”
“Arey tereto… You can write articles and post them man… You don’t need a magazine to publish!!!”
“hmmm ???”
“Amrut… It is like a log.. and Internet Log, popularly known as BLOG!!! Follow this link and you will see my blogs”…
Well the rest is history….. Suddenly my alter ego was born… The Blogger Amrut… ( A name given to me by one of my beloved readers!!!)
With the help of Sid and Bharath I also started my blogging with blogger.com exactly a year ago. My first blog… I chuckle when I think about it, was about NOS… A copy paste of paragraphs from internet!!! I hadn’t got the hang of the BLOG thing yet….
My second blog was a passionate one about my sweetie… I will always cherish this one… It is the one I re read the most… I had finally ventured into the blogging world. I was a blogger from then on and till date I enjoy this part of my life… I posted my first blog on 15th Sep 2005 exactly an year ago….
Before this Anniversary post, I have 25 ( Ya a quarter century!!!) posts in my name including a poem!!! Never one would have imagined that I could write a poem…
Blogs have helped me in stress busting and also helped me share my happiness with my friends. From NOS to Right Reasons to A.Q. to My Obsession to Inconsequential Existence, it has been a long long journey… My blogger alter ego has laughed at me, laughed with me and cried with me… It has helped me in many ways to reconnect with myself making me a better me. It’s a sense of joy to realize that I have completed a year in blogging and still my blogger engine is up and kicking…
As William Arthur Ward puts it, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”; on this beautiful day, I would like to thank all my beloved readers/critics for encouraging me by giving their beautiful and timely comments/critiques many a times extending, manifesting or correcting the idea put across in the post. My blog belongs to you. It also belongs to all my great friends who have directly or indirectly helped me in putting forward my thoughts boldly on the blog!!!
I thank one and all!!!
Keep blogging… Keep smiling and keep reading my blogs!!!!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Running along the Rainbow....
I came back to Bangalore after a long vacation of 5 days. Vacation is a time for me to sit back, relax and introspect about the things I am doing. In more popular words, Idle mind and hence Devil’s workshop!!! This time in the devil’s workshop the topic which was burnt on the oven; the Bangalore Mechatronics… How I am becoming a machine…
So it was finally decided that I will have to write a blog on this. Yes do anything about it but write a blog! To be honest, I did start off also. But then, luckily this happened.
I went for a jog just as my mechanical routine demands me to do so to stay fit. Even though my mind said rest as you haven’t has sleep, my heart said go and run. For once I listened (sorry for the Filmi isstyle… I have been watching them a lot). So here I am in the “Mini Cricket Ground” near my apartment. It is lush green with a small crude cricket pitch in the middle. Some 6 children are playing cricket. They were using the wall as stumps and playing in a pitch bigger even by international standards!!! I started running. The Sun was shinning mildly as it was already 5:45pm in Bangalore. As I ran with my head down, it started drizzling. Slowly the drizzle increased. Unlike me, I was enjoying the rain this day. Suddenly the boys playing; shouted…. “Rainbow… Rainbow”….
I ran at full speed and reached their side!! Ah ha… there it was…All Seven colours… VIBGYOR meekly visible… I was awed by the sight… As I stood there, the rain suddenly stopped and the colours started growing richer and richer. I decided to take another sprint around the ground. I ran, this time faster so that I can reach the other side sooner. As I reached, I felt a surge in energy. I was in a trance, as if I was being plugged to something enticing. As I gazed at the sky again, I thought my eyes betrayed me; I was seeing a rainbow duplet; two rainbows one over the other. Rubbing my eyes just to confirm that it wasn’t my eyes’ blemish as I stood there, my thought process stagnated. For once my mind didn’t rebel this stagnation. I just lied down there on the grass watching the rainbows…
After a while, I got up and started running again with my hands wide open embracing the drizzle that had started again. I went on and on and stopped only when my body said no more, you will collapse now!!!
This experience ended the mechatronics discussion of the devil’s workshop. I realized that to stop such discussions in the workshop, all one needs to do is stop once in a while and enjoy the little things in life…
Little things like a rainbow, a butterfly chase, a wave and thus a smile on a small child’s face, the poor jokes with old friends, the list just continues….
So finally the hypothesis “Man is a Machine” was disproved as I ran along the Rainbow…As I ran along the Rainbow….
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sid, HaPy and GOINy
Bhari words!!! Okay enough of this… Let’s listen to a story.
Any resemblance to a person living or dead is just co-incidental.
Once upon a time in future there were three friends; Friends for life; Sid, HariPrasad and GOwINdini.
Sid was a very sweet person. He loved cricket, but given an option would always spend time with HariPrasad and GOwINdini. He was very attached to them. He was from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. For work he had come to Mysore.
HariPrasad was a very versatile person. You have a problem. Go to HaPy (That’s what he was called popularly) and you will get the solution for sure.
GOwINdini popularly known GOINy was the heart of this friendship. She was this gregarious person, very lively and colorful. She knew almost everyone around her. She was like the interface of the group to the external world. HaPy and Sid both were in love with GOINy, but for poor Sid, she was more inclined towards HaPy.
Sid was very dependent on both of his friends. He had a job only becoz of HaPy. He talked with others only through GOINy. He never even talked to GOINy directly. He always used to tell HaPy and he would tell her. The level of dependency was unimaginable. He wanted to see a movie with a lady, he had to convey that message through his friends. Seldom did he directly talk to anyone. HaPy and GOINy booked the movie tickets for him, they used to get him reading material, they used to help him publish his blogs and help him find answers to his queries. Specifcally, GOINy was the person who used to help find these answers. Be it transferring money, watching movie, listening to songs, booking travel ticket, paying bills etc etc… For everything Sid was dependent on his friends. He had to, alone he was not that efficient nor did he have the kinda contacts GOINy had. To make matters worse, Sid was hopelessly in love with GOINy. He just couldn’t live without her. But the bad part was, he seldom got time alone with GOINy. Always HaPy was with her. GOINy was more inclined towards HaPy. Whatever the dependency, life was cool and rocking for Sid. He was happy with his friends in his own world.
But fate had a different things prescribed for Sid. The Syzygy of events led to a drastic; draconic in many aspects, change in the setup of Sid’s life. He got a transfer to Mohali so very near to his home. He was happy initially but then when he encountered the moment of truth; it was hard for him not to cry. He had to leave behind his friends; the friends without whom his life was an absolute void. He tried hard to come to terms with this. He couldn’t. But the fourth dimension didn’t give him a chance. He had to go and he did. As far as HaPy and GOINy are concerned they just didn’t mind. It was part of life for them. (Sid is the hero na.. He has to be a bit emotional!!!!)…
Some scenes that happened after Sid left (In order):
Sid talking to a friend Elan,
Sid: "Arey yaar.. Ely.. I am missing HaPy and GOINy badly yaar. There is no one here with whom I can share things like I used to do with them."
Elan: "Arey.. You should find new friends man"
Sid: "Shut up" and hangs up the phone.
Sonia comes to meet Sid at his home. Sonia is a crush from Sid's good old college days. Sid is sitting in his home gazing blankly at the window. He is wearing a white kurta and his face is a great contrast with his month old beard. Sonia comes and tries talking to him. Sid sees her, gives her his as usual very charming smile and again stares at the window as if he is talking to somebody.
Sid goes out with his old friend Amit. They freak out. They go to all the places they usually used to visit during college days. Sid feels something funny, a good something though!!!
Sid is writing something in a book. His sis asks him what it is. He looks at her, smiles and shows her the new poem he has written. He is cleanly shaved and is wearing a beautiful casual.

Elan calls up.
Elan: "Sid.. zinda hai?"
Sid: "Abe.. How are you? Me too good man.. My poem got published in the Chandigarh Times man"
Elan:"cooool.... HaPy and GOINy told me"
Sid:" Oh that’s great!!! How are they? I do talk to them, but then the frequency has reduced and I am loving it. Freedom.. Freedom at last from the dependencies"
Elan: "But they are very helpful man"
Sid: "Ya they are. That's why they are my good friends now; not my heart beat, not my breath, not the synergy that keeps my anatomy running"
Elan: "Good man!!! It was great to hear this from you!!! Way to go!!!"
Sid:" Ha Ha Ha...."
...some random conv...
Sid hangs up….
Sonia: "Chale…"
Sid smiles : "Sorry… He had called after a long time. Lets go. Lake jaa rahe hai na?"
Sonia: "hmmm…"
So finally Sid realized that he can live without HaPy and GOINy.
Hero met heroine(s) and lived happily everafter!!!
I hope everyone realizes this in this Flat world dependent so much on HaPys and GOINy. There is life without them. There is so much to life than just the Information Highway!!! World might be called flat for some, but once in a while you need to come back to the beautiful world full of valleys, mountains, deserts with so many different frangrances.
This is my personal view of course. The ultimate decision is left to one's better judgement.
You might be wondering what has Information Highway to do with Sid's friends right...
hmmm... Personification is a beautiful figure of speech!!! You can romanticize with full flourish....
HariPrasad------------------- Computer (HP make)
GOwINdini---------------- GOogle with INternet!!!!